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Welcome, and thank you for visiting Our Lady of Sorrows Church online. We hope that our website gives you the information you are seeking. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.

245 W. Hwy 90, China, Texas 77613
Our Faith


We believe that the door to salvation is always open and so are the doors to our church. Our mission is to be fully devoted to Jesus by opening our arms to those in search of the truth. We show God’s love and concern for our fellow man at every opportunity. Through works of charity and opening our doors to listen and love, we feel that we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.

Church Office- 409-752-3571

Church office hours-

Mon-Thur. 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

Friday 8:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. 

Mass Times



Saturday at 4:00 PM
Sunday    at 8:30 AM 


Tuesday        8:00 AM

Wednesday- 8:00 AM

Thursday-     8:00 AM

Friday            8:00 AM

Reconciliation: Saturday 3:00- 3:45 p.m. 

Adoration- Wednesday 

8:30 a.m. -noon

Baptism: Please call the

office for appointment. Baptism Classes are required.

Weddings:  Diocesan policy for Marriage requires that you make an appointment with the pastor at least six months before the anticipated wedding. Please meet with the pastor before setting your final date.

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Return to me says the Lord; that             I may return to you...

   Children's Mass is the second Sunday        March 9th  8:30 a.m. Please Join Us!


CHRIST IN YOU MENS CONFERENCE-Start making plans for the 8th Annual Catholic Mens Conference-“Lead the Way”-August 23,2025, at Doggett Ford Arena, in Beaumont. Tickets will go on sale on April 7th. Enjoy a day filled with renowned speakers, inspirational talks, fellowship and spiritual growth, that will deepen your faith and relationship with God. Mark your calendars to be part of the incredible event.


Married and engaged couples are invited to the third annual marriage conference on April 5, 2025 at the Holy Family Retreat Center. This one day conference will help strengthen your relationship and discover God’s plan for your family. Dynamic speakers, along with Bishop Toups, will present. Registration is $64.00 a couple. An early bird discount is available through February 17th. Use the scan codes on the flyer to register. Or you can go to, click on the ministry tab and select Marriage. As you scroll down you will see the LINK to register.

Sunday February 123 2025

Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time

Jesus teaches us to see others as God sees them

  READINGS - Jesus teaches us not to judge, rather we are to be loving and forgiving, just as the Father is kind and merciful.

First Reading- 1Samuel 26:2,7-9, 12-13, 22-23- David spares the life of his enemy Saul, because Saul is God's anointed one.  


PSALM- 103: 1-4, 8,10,12-13- The Lord is kind and merciful.



Second Reading- 1 Corinthians 15:45-49- Paul speaks of the first man, Adam, from earth and the last Adam, from heaven .He says, "Just as we have borne the image of the earthly one, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly one ( Jesus)."

Gospel- Luke 6:27-38- Jesus teaches his disciples to love their enemies and be merciful as god is merciful, for they will be treated the same in return.


Revolutionary Love

 “And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love. Yes, they’ll know-ow we are Christians by our love.” The well-known song, written in the 1960’s by Fr. Peter Scholtes, echoes today’s Gospel. Sixty years later and two thousand years into Christianity, the song might seem trite or timid. Sweet images of walking side-by-side, and hand-in hand; that’s nice. In truth, though, it is so much more. It is, like today’s Gospel, the call for a revolution. Christ encourages his disciples to a revolutionary love, one unheard of in their time — a love that gives expecting nothing in return, a love that is neither earned nor deserved. Love those who hate you. Love those who hurt you. Forgive the unforgivable and have mercy on the merciless.

There is nothing trite in this love. It is so unexpected, so counter-cultural, so revolutionary that it sets us apart. It is a generous, self-sacrificing, humbling love that makes the world wonder, “What is up with that?” There is nothing timid in this love. It is bold, strong, and steadfast. This love calls for the courage to stand in the wake of hate, cruelty, and injustice. This love calls for the fortitude to speak God’s truth even when it’s unpopular. No, not to judge or condemn, but to challenge and correct.

 If I have run a wooded path and know that it opens to a cliff, what am I to say to another who is running headlong and full speed through the thicket? Does this powerful love step back and say, “Hey, you be you, friend. Who am I to judge?” Or does this steadfast love look the runner in the eye and urge him, “Hey, that path is dangerous. There’s another way we can travel together.”  The love of today’s Gospel begs me to speak up in mercy. This kind of love is supernatural; we are not capable of it on our own. Only with the strength of grace, only through Christ can we love like this, and when we do, He shines through. This love should set us apart so the troubled world might notice and long to know more. Indeed, by the grace of God, they will know we are Christians by our love — by our humble, self-sacrificing, unexpected, bold, steadfast, merciful, revolutionary love.


The  pilgrimage has a long tradition in our Catholic faith.  At this year's local pilgrimage The Most Reverend Bishop Toups will be offering the Final Blessing at the end of the day. 

Building the Kingship of Christ, this year’s theme, recognizes the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of The Feast of Christ the King as the “antidote to secularism—[secularism] a way of life which leaves God out of man’s thinking and living and organizes his life as if God did not exist.”  We encourage you to join us and dig deeper into how to make our lives revolve around Christ the King!  Feel free to give us a call/text if you have any questions.

May God reward you richly for all you do in His honor!

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JUBILEE 2025- This year  on Christmas Eve 2024, Pope Francis, opened the Holy Door to begin a Jubilee year in 2025. It will be a holy year in the tradition of the Church to celebrate such a year every 25 years, to give every generation a chance to experience that special time of grace and mercy in their life. Those who participate in person or spiritually in a Holy year pilgrimage are granted a plenary indulgence by offering up sufferings of daily lives, and participating in the Eucharistic celebration.The theme is a Year Of Hope.

BACK TO THE TABLE- Bishop David Toups and the Diocese of Beaumont are encouraging us to come back to the family table and to Christs table. This initiative encourages us to "waste time" with Jesus and our loved ones, It is truly time well spent. For more information, **Please text  the word "table" to 55321* for recipes , prayers, encouragement and information to help us slow down our pace and focus on what is important.-LOVE of God and our family.

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